Popular Glasses in the Eighties

Popular Glasses in the Eighties

Sarah Cockburn
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Popular Glasses in the Eighties

Popular Glasses in the Eighties

At the moment sunglasses fashion styles are reverting back to 80s Glasses styles- which is very interesting. People seem to be partial to buying whatever fashions that they have seen on their favourite shows on Netflix.

A style that has got everyone's attention at the moment is the Jeffrey Dahmer glasses- which now have a name of their own 'Dahmer Glasses.'

Jeffrey Dhamer Glasses

Jeffrey Dahmer Glasses © Getty Images

If you haven't seen the portrayal of Jeffrey Dahmer by Evan Peters, where have you been first of all?

Evan Peters Dahmer Glasses

Evan Peters as Jeffrey Dhamer © Netflix image

The show is about a prolific real-life serial murderer, who killed 17 young men from the ages of fourteen to thirty, and even resorted to cannibalism.

The series doesn't hold back on gore either. One of the highlights of the gore is when we see a 'head' in the fridge, where the serial keeper has attempted to keep a 'momento' from his vile act.

Why are people so interested in the fashion from the film?

To be clear, I don't think people are wanting to look neccessary like a 'serial killer' or like Jeff Dahmer- but they are fans of vintage aviator glasses.

Aviators remain to be a very popular style in cinema and TV at the moment.

Tom Cruise maverick

Tom Cruise repeating the Aviator fashion sunglasses of the 1980's © Paramount Pictures in Top Gun 2

The glasses Evan Peters wears to play the notorious serial killer have been modelled on the original pair that Jeff Dahmer wore in prison- that have recently been sold for $150,000. The glasses came from James Taylor who acquired them from a former housekeeper of Lionel Dahmer (his Dad.) You can find some interesting belongings of Jeffrey Dahmer from his online store 'Cult Collectibles' here

If you want to see the real glasses you can see them on this YouTube video 

I have to say- there is no chance in hell that I would ever buy or want a serial killer's glasses in my house. Personally, I think they should have been destroyed or kept in a family members' safe. 

They haven't revealed who has bought the glasses- however I have my own theories that it is- Zak Bagans from Las Vegas' Haunted Musuem.

Zak also has Ted Bundy's glasses (which he bought for $50k) and has Charles Manson's ashes in a painting. Lets' watch this space...

The style of the Dahmer glasses are in keeping with current 're'hashing' of 80's vintage styles. I have to say that Evan Peters looks fantastic in them and I could see why many people would want to model their style on him.

Was Dahmer recognised as fashionable at the time?

The answer to that is no. Not at all. Aviators have been around since the 1930's and were a popular style. James Clark explains on one of his Youtube videos in 'Cult Collectibles' that the lenses were really thick as his vision was so bad. in fact, he could barely see without them. Dhamer's use of them, was one of neccessity.

Molly Ringwald's character 'Shari' in Dahmer is also suitably stylish in her bug eye oversized sunglasses

Shari Dahmer Glasses

Molly Ringwald as Shari (left) ©Netflix Images

We have also seen stars like Jenna Coleman in 'The Serpent' wearing round oversized sunglasses too. 

80's glasses styles

©Netflix Images

Stranger Things Glasses

The eighties cult netflix series Stanger things also shows a wide variety of Aviator Glasses. We have characters such as Billy Hargrove wearing Classic Aviator Rayban Style RB3025 and Jim Hopper wearing the 'Outdoorsman' Raybans.

Billy Hargrove SunglassesBilly Hargrove Sunglasses © Netflix Pictures

Hopper Raybans

  Hopper 'Outdoorsman Raybans' © Netflix Pictures

80s Glasses Styles Reccomendations: 

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