Top Gun 2 Sunglasses - Our New Obsession

Top Gun 2 Sunglasses - Our New Obsession

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This year it is all about Top Gun 2 Sunglasses. 

Top Gun Aviators

Top Gun 2 Sunglasses

If you havent't seen the new Top Gun 'Maverick' film you must do. I watched the film from a fashion perspective, worried they wouldn't be able to pick a story line that would do the first film justice and I was sorely mistaken. 

Even though it is really tempting, I am not going to offer any 'spoilers.' However- what I will say is that the film rates on the storyline as much as the fashion.

Sales of aviators have recently climbed up since the release of the film in May 2022 and they have stayed up.

We saw this for years after the release of the first film in 1986.

I personally cannot believe that Tom Cruise hasn't aged a bit. He looks incredibly handsome in this film. 

Top Gun 2 Sunglasses

I am sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that all of the characters in the film are wearing Ray bans which are fully customised to suit the character.

Tom Cruise in the film wears the Classic Aviator Style in Gold Green (Rayban RB 3025)- which you would expect. The sunglasses complete him in that film. He wouldn't be 'Maverick' without them.

Tom Cruise Maverick

Tom Cruise as 'Maverick' copyright @Paramount Pictures

However, when it comes to Miles Teller's character 'Rooster'- we see a completely different style, which works with his angular face shape and chin. I wouldnt be at all surprised if people rush out and buy this style and this too becomes iconic. 

He is the new generation of Top Gun after all and a new spin off trend makes perfect synchronicity. However also, thematically it works as his Father Goose in the first film wears them.

Miles Teller Top Gun Sunglasses

                                                 Miles Teller Top Gun Sunglasses RB3136. Image Source @paramount pictures

Top Gun Sunglasses Goose

Top Gun Sunglasses Goose

'Goose,' played by Anthony Edwards in 1986 @copywright Paramount Pictures

John Hamm also wears the same glasses as Miles Teller in the film and you can also see him rocking this look also. 

Ray ban caravan John hamm

John Hamm Top Gun Sunglasses RB3136. Image source @Paramount Pictures

Why are Aviators so popular at the moment?

There are so many reasons why anyone would want to wear these. Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick have themes of heroism in them, sexual mystery to anyone that wears them. The look like someone 'professional' would wear them so they command a sense of authority. 

To shop for a pair of Aviators here are some reccomended pairs: 

Top Gun Aviators

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