What glasses did Kurt Cobain wear

What glasses did Kurt Cobain wear

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What glasses did Kurt Cobain wear?


Kurt Cobain wearing Clout Goggles



Kurt Cobain became famous for wearing what is now modernly referred to as 'clout goggles.'


Kurt Cobain can be described as being 'metrosexual' and a man who felt comfortable just by being himself. He was never one to conform, both in his style and views. He would even wear a dress when he was performing on stage at times.


He was very liberal minded, during a time when many people were not. He was a gay rights hero who felt that people should choose to live their own lives on their own terms. He was a political activist also. In Oregon during the nineties, the US law had a measure, requiring all governments to treat homosexuality as 'perverse' and 'unnatural.' As a result he wrote a song called 'Incesticide' which had lyrics condemning anyone that judged anyone for their race, sexual orientation or gender.


He once famously said- 'wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.' He certainly was 'his own man.' His music was individual and no band could ever compete with his own style.


I think, if Kurt Cobain was alive today- he would be very surprised that his most famous sunglasses look became so iconic. He was a grunge artist, whose passion and focus was solely music. He was very happy just wearing his ripped jeans and t-shirt during his gigs and when he did make a fashion statement- it was mainly a political statement.


The last photo shoot taken with Kurt before his death, that the famous photographer Jesse Frohman shot was the most iconic. Kurt was wearing the infamous 'authentic clout goggles.'


Jesse explained in the Rolling Stone Magazine- that Kurt arrived for the photo shoot three hours late He explained- 'he was very quiet and he was wearing these white Jackie O glasses with his chin down to his chest, and he asked for a bucket. And I said, 'sure, we have a bucket. What do you need a bucket for?' And he said 'cause I think I am gonna puke.'


kurt cobain wearing clout sunglasses

 Photo taken my Jesse Frohman

This shows that Kurt did not intend for this look to take off. He simply had a hangover. But by wearing these, he revealed his distinct sense.


clout goggles meaning


The slang term 'clout' means to be famous and to have influence. The term has widely been used by rappers- including Denzel and Cardi B. The term was first used in the 1950's and it generally related to politicians. However- more modern Instagram stars and rap stars have been using this term recently.


'goggles' in a slang term for sunglasses.


Denzel Curry Clout goggles


It was Denzel Curry that actually nicknamed them 'clout goggles' in his 2017 you tube video. He said that whenever a woman compliments him on his glasses...he says 'these ain't glasses baby....these clout goggles.' The video and the expression became so popular, that they became a term that one could look up in the dictionary.


Denzel Curry Clout Goggles

 Denzel Curry


Since his you tube video, sales in clout glasses have sky rocketed and they have become famous once more.


What are Clout glasses actually called?


Prior to their slang description 'clout glasses'- they were known as the Archive 1993 series/ 6558 by Christian Roth.


The shape of the glasses, rather than the brand is what defines the glasses now. Their definition has been evolved by itself with the influence of others using slang.



Why are clout glasses so popular


Clout glasses are so unique by their appearance and look good on just about anyone-which is the reason why they have taken off so much. But aside from that- the iconic people that have worn them have massively influenced their success.


Audrey Hepburn made clout eye glasses prominent first of all. She was the lead-runner in fashion in the fifties and sixties. Everybody paid attention to what Audrey Hepburn was wearing. She even catapulted cat eye glasses to fame around that time too.


Audrey Hepburn wearing white clout glasses

 Audrey wearing white clout glasses


Clout glasses also have a futuristic look, which was the flavour of the 1960's when films like Barbarella came out in 1968- a film about a 41st century astronaut. The technical name for this was 'retro-futurism' – which is fashion imagined in the future.


 Willy Wonka wearing Clout glasses 


willy wonka clout glasses

Johnny Depp, also famously wore them in his 2005 film 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' That was an excellent choice for the fashion team working on the film as the glasses are normally associated with icons and prominent figures of influence. But we also have an element of infused 'retro-futurism' which works well as his character – Willy Wonka, who has the most advanced, 'futuristic' style chocolate factory.



 Buy your kurt cobain Clout glasses here







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