Polarized sunglasses for  Women

Polarized sunglasses for Women

Sarah Cockburn
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What does Polarized sunglasses mean?

Polarized sunglasses reduce glare- that would often cause discomfort and less visibility. In polarized glasses, a chemical is applied to reduce the amount of light that is coming through them. They tackle harmful UV rays, that can cause permanent damage left by the sun. 

Polarized sunglasses for women


What is glare?

Glare is when our eyes are unable to manage the over-whelming amount of light source. The point where we feel discomfort and need to look away. This will happen, typically on a flat surface. When the surface is more uneven, it can afffectively bounce off it and reduce the glare. Polarized act to block horizontal light waves to cut glare.

Polarized sunglasses vs. non

Polarized sunglasses tackle the intensity of sunlight, for example on water and on snow. Non polarized, will tackle the sunlight, but doesn't tackle major 'hot spots' such as the aforementioned. There may be a reduction of the glare- but not as much as with polarized sunglasses.
We suggest polarized sunglasses for drivers to help with the incapacitating affects of light 'hot spots,' and if you are on a sunny beach, or beside a pool.
Polarized sunglasses would be a must for someone, who has an occupation that involves needing their vision to be optimal in extreme sunny weather conditions- such as a lifeguard.
Polarized sunglasses do, sound like they are the most safe. However- this is where you need to do your detective work and find out what the level of UV protection the glasses offer. You need to know whether, they just block out the glare or they can protect your eyes with UV protection also. 

Jadore Sunglasses sell only polarized sunglasses with UV400 protection such as the examples below. Click on the pictures below to browse our collections.

Polarized sunglasses vs. non

Polarized sunglasses Sport

Many people will buy polarized glasses for ski-ing, cycling, fishing and will buy specific types for each occupation. Most people will buy specialised items from those stores that specialise in those areas.

Jadore sunglasses offers fashionable solutions within our store in line with recent trends and we do not specialise in those more niche areas.

How to remove scratches from polarized sunglasses

These are tips that can help to protect your glasses. However, ideally we do feel that it is better to buy new lenses every two years or so, or purchase another pair.

 1. Wash your polarized sunglasses under warm, running water with some liquid dish detergent. 

2. Apply rub a coating of baking soda toothpaste over the lens. Be mindful, not to rub too hard.

3. Rub the coating in a circular motion around the lenses with a microfiber cloth for up to 30 secnds and then inspect the lenses to see if the scratches are still visible. If so, repeat the process.

4. Wash the glasses in warm, soapy water again to remove the residue from the lenses and thoroughly dry them with a microfiber cloth.

5. If none of the above methods work- we reccomend buying new lenses to fit yourself, or buy a new pair.

To summarise what we  have said in this article. We would advise you to make sure you buy sunglasses that are polarized, but with a high UV protection, such as the glasses that have been shown above. And to make sure, you consider what you would be buying them for and to take care of them.

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