Round cat eye glasses are a firm favorite with celebrities past and present. However not everyone can wear them. They are best worn on angular faces.
The reason why Round cat eye sunglasses can look so good on some people and not on others is all down to face shape.
As a general rule of thumb, the more angular your face shape is, the better they will look. When you buy a set of shades you want to be thinking about contrasts.
If you are unsure what shaped face you have- you may want to have a look at our face shaped guide.
Click on the picture below and it will explain everything you need to know in more depth.
Round cat eye shades look especially good on heart shaped faces and square shaped faces and oval shaped faces.
Let's have a look at the celebrities that wear them....
Heart Shaped Faces
Meghan Markle
This look is a signature look for Meghan Markle. She has a very angular jaw line and wide cheekbones and the roundness of the lenses softens her face up and complements her full lips.
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson has a heart shaped face and we can see from her jaw line that she is very angular. The roundness of her sunglasses really works in contrast with her jawline. It is a strong look for her.
Square Shaped Faces
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe had a classic square shaped face, so these rounded cat eye frames really suited her and complemented her voluptuous body.
Oval face Shape
Kate Moss
Oval shaped faces also wear round cat eye glasses very well. Look at the contrast between her jaw line and the shape of her glasses in this picture.
We have some excellent equivalent versions on sale that we have hand selected, if you want to copy the look. Just remember that look is better if you have an angular shaped face.