Pride Celebration Sunglasses- We find you the best styles

Pride Celebration Sunglasses- We find you the best styles

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Before we discuss pride celebration sunglasses and the best shades to wear for the occasion, we thought it would be a great chance to discuss how the illustrious and infamous pride festival came to be, as it is known throughout the world.

Previously known as 'Gay Pride,' and now known simply as 'Pride'- was first started by a bi-sexual campaigner by the name of Brenda Howard (below,) who sadly passed away in June 2005. 

Brenda Howard

She started the first ever pride event in New York City in 1970 and is now commonly referred to as the 'Mother of Pride.'

June is normally Pride month and celebrates all LGBTQ+ communities from all over the world. Although some places hold their pride dates later- for example London (UK) tends to celebrate it in September and Brighton (UK) celebrates it at the beginning of August. 

The festival commemorates the June 1969 Stonewall riots, which was a demonstration movement after police raided a New York Gay bar called The Stonewall Inn. It was an equality campaign movement.

Police were so violent at this event, so much so that in 2016, New York City Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill had to issue a huge apology for the actions taken by the force that night. 

Where Does Pride Take Place?

Pride takes place all around the world in celebration of LGBTQ+ communities and has become a source of celebration for everyone. You don't have to be gay to attend. The occasion marks the right to equality.

To check out dates around the globe check out this fantastic calendar produced by the IGLTA, who are the International LGBTQ+ Travel association. They provide free travel resources as well as promoting equality and diversity

Where Did The Pride Rainbow Flag Come From?

Gay Pride Rainbow Flag

The First Gay pride flag was produced by a Kansas born artist by the name of Gilbert Baker. The flag was debuted in 1978 at the Gay Freedom Parade in San Francisco on June 25th. It was thought that the flag was inspired by gay icon Judy Garland's 'Over the Rainbow' and the hippie movement's 'Flag of the Races.' 

It has become so famous now, that most people globally know what it means and it has become a very important International symbol for world peace and equality and lastly for celebration.

What Sunglasses Can I wear to Pride Parade?

You don't have to wear expensive clothes and accessories to the parade. Attendees often show their support wearing bright colors, that nod to the rainbow flag.

There are six distinct colors of the flag, but your outfit doesn't have to show all six.

There are no rules as to what to wear. 

Pride is all about being colorful and vibrant and lastly flamboyant and lastly, being yourself. 

We have chosen a selection of sunglasses that imbue the above qualities, that you may wish to purchase for the event, or even get ideas from.

For the evening events we would definitely recommend the LED shades. 

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