Buying sunglasses for teenagers is a very important task to get right. Teenagers always like to look as cool as they can. It is important that whilst they look on trend, their eyes are fully protected from the perils of the sun. Therefore they must be 'uber' cool sunglasses that are UV400 protected.
Unisex Sunglasses
Teenagers tend to generally want to look like their idols such as Zac Efron, Harry Styles, Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian.
The wonderful part about teenagers wanting to look like their idols, is that many sunglasses that current celebrities wear are 'unisex'- which is helpful when teenagers are exploring their sexuality or are discovering the non binary path.
Kim Kardashian often wears unisex sunglasses, and has many fans because she embraces all male and female parts within herself.
Harry Styles is famous for being in touch with his feminine side and has lots of fans because of it. Here are some examples of his unisex styles of sunglasses.
Here are our top five pairs of unisex sunglasses that any teenager would approve of:
Sunglasses for Teenage Girl
Many teenage girls will opt to look like their favorite idols. For example their favorite reality TV star, pop star or wear whatever their friends will wear.
Our most popular style for teenage girls in particular seems to be heart sunglasses. Katy Perry wore these in her video, 'This is How We Do'. But this style has also been spotted on Niall Horan, Harry styles and Taylor Swift.
To see which celebrities love this look, click on the image below:
Cool Sunglasses for Teenage Guys
At the current moment (2021,) Aviator sunglasses are our most popular sunglasses for teenagers and our male adult market because aviators suit practically any face shape: oval, square and heart shaped faces in particular.
To find out more about aviators and their history- click on our previous article below:
Novelty Sunglasses
Teenagers love to dress for occasions such as Halloween and music festivals and it's important glasses are both practical with UV400 protection and stand out.
Teenagers like to impress their friends, so it is good that they can wear something unique that their friends will be asking about.
Our Top Tips when buying a teenager sunglasses
1) Find out who their idols are and have a look to see what their idols are wearing. They will approve if they have seen these being worn on their favorite music stars for example.
2) Buy sunglasses that are UV400 protected, polarized and the lens color is suitable.
3) Consider the occasion for where they will be wearing them (boating, surfing, paddle-boarding etc.) If they are for use in the water, these may be the kinds of glasses you need to buy:
4) Buying designer sunglasses isn't necessary- because if teenagers lose a cheap pair- it won't be a big deal. Just make sure the glasses are fit for purpose and are fully protected from the sun if needs be.